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Free 17-Minute Training for Christian Entrepreneurs & Business Leaders…

How I Went From Burnt Out, Stressed Out, & Suicidal

To Making $12M In One Deal… By ‘Hearing God’s Voice’

In My Day-To-Day Business Operations

Without Spending Hours Praying, Sacrificing Relationship With My Family, Or Cutting Any Ethical Corners

Without Spending Hours Praying, Sacrificing Relationships With My Family, Or Cutting Any Ethical Corners

Join Hear God at Work Today & Claim $2,500+ Worth of Tools, Books & Lessons

Lifetime Access to Hearing God at Work

Bonus #1: How to Hear God at Work (Book)

Bonus #2: How to Conquer Anxiety (Mini Book)

Bonus #3: Workbook / Journal

Bonus #4: Declarations - Daily Truths to Declare for 30 Days

Bonus #5: Vision Board

Bonus #6: Scripture Tool Box

Bonus #7: Audio Encounter Session (15 min)

100s of People Are Living a More Abundant &

Fulfilling Life Thanks to His Guidance

Dave Harvey

Director of Bethel Leaders Network and Increase Productions

"If you long to see Heaven invade your business and workplace, Salt + Light is the school for you! Matt & Jo and their team are the real deal! They have so many testimonies of seeing business leaders practically equipped to live a naturally supernatural life. We are very excited to partner with this school, they will help you to change your world!"

Andy Mason

Director of Heaven in Business

"I am very excited and expectant for what launches out of Matt Flegler’s Business school. I have had the privilege of walking with Matt for the last few years and love his entrepreneurial gift fully integrated with his practical walk with God in all of life. The results speak for themselves. I have no hesitation recommending his training."

Joshua Goulding

Director of Your Number_2

We are so thankful for Matt and the team at Salt + Light and what it has birthed in us and our businesses. Through working alongside other like minded business people we have been able to supernaturally see new possibilities and now seeing increase in places we thought were dead.


"Launching my business in Salt and Light was an incredible experience. Becoming part of this kingdom community means diving into a stream of breakthroughs and wisdom cultivated by Matt over decades. If you want to experience supernatural momentum as well as accelerated growth and development, then this is the place for you. I recommend Salt and Light to business leaders and entrepreneurs aiming to grow intimately with God and influence society in truly radical ways - all for His glory."

GAIL, Property Developer

"I have learnt so much through this program. I especially loved the books I got to read and met some amazing people. Ive been in business for a long time and have always been a life long learner. It brought so much alignment to my purpose and legacy. I hear God and trust Him. When I started this course I had just launched a new business venture and during the course we made a 7 figure profit. I’m so thankful to Matt & Jo and all the team. It was life changing."

SAM, Retailer

"I’m walking in confidence and boldness – knowing who I am and whose I am. We experienced supernatural breakthrough whilst doing this course. Upon starting the course our business had an unfair lawsuit against us for nearly three quarters of a million dollars. Through being empowered and partnering with God – He led us all the way through. We came out with a negotiated outcome of only having to pay $30,000. I felt covered and supported all the way through and my family are a witness to the personal breakthrough I experienced. Eternally grateful."

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